Monday, September 21, 2009

Take a Trip to Alaska

I would have loved the Internet when I was a young mother. I love it now. Back in the 1970s if you wanted to find out what mothers in other parts of the country were doing you read women’s magazines. Some of them had pen-pal sections and you could find a woman with similar interests to yours and exchange recipes and craft ideas. Most of them were stay-at-home-mothers like me.

Tacoma News Tribune “In Your Neighborhood” blog pal turned us on to Pet Peeves and Other Ramblings a blog written by Grandma L. in Yakima, WA. Now it is my pleasure to turn on the Neighborhood to a gem up north, way up north. A Facebook friend turned me onto Scribbit, a blog written by Michelle Mitchell, an Alaska writer and mother. Michelle has a BA in English, has been a free lance technical writer, done research for the National Archives, gardens, is a wife and is the mother of four living near Anchorage.

In her profile Mitchell writes that she’s “Writing daily from Alaska, I’m mother to four children and publish my favorite recipes, reviews, crafts and giveaways with stories of life in the Last Frontier.” If, like me, you don’t get to travel, the Internet highway can take you places you’ve never been and see through someone else’s eyes.
You can get to Alaska by clinking here:

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