Friday, January 2, 2009

Carving Out Time

Carving out of the day time to reflect on nourishment of the spirit and creating the sort of life we want is difficult. Only two generations ago women did not have cell phones, dishwashers, and microwaves. We barely had washing machines (I dried my first child’s clothes on lines in a drying room in the apartment building where we lived) and vacuum cleaners and yet I contend our lives are no easier than those of our foremothers who sweated over a laundry cauldron in the yard and hoed a hard row in a garden. Our load may have changed its face, but not its nature. Now we are not only expected to be responsible for hearth, home and children, but for bringing home a paycheck and attaining what 21st society considers success to be and to be available 24/7 for everyone who considers themselves worthy of our attention.

In a busy household I find the shower my best place of rumination. Today it was washing my daughter Amy’s hair. Standing in the bathroom with the drone of the fan blocking out the rest of the world, I thought about what I want to do on this second day of a new year to truly make it “new”; to make a new beginning. At the same time I know that there’s still laundry to finish, I want to change the sheets on Amy’s bed, and I need to go shopping.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is a holdover from last year. It is to burn the candles and incense. When I receive little luxuries like lovely soap, candles and incense, my reaction is to want to save them for sometime special. That time never seems to arrive so I am trying to make every moment special and since candlelight suits me I burn my candles at night along with the incense. Sometimes I burn them in the morning while I shower and dress. I think that each moment of the day should be honored. It is hard to feel that way when you’ve small children that need attending to or you’re in the middle of some chore for an employer, but attempting to see the blessing of each moment of this life is so important especially for someone like me who is past the midpoint of life. How do I want each moment of what is left to me to be spent?

Today I will try to remain in the moment as I go about homey chores that I actually love and be mindful of how I am spending my money, society’s value of my life’s energy, and time. What can I do today to make the life I want in which peace and serenity will dwell. We will see.


Jo said...

Thanks for the reminder.

Stephanie Frieze said...

I believe that our 21st century lives are so complicated and the demands so many that we forget to care for that which is our essence. New Year's seems like a good time to start remembering to appreciate each day and to be kind to ourselves.